40 Acres & a Fool

40 Acres & a Fool

Summer Break - 6/11/15

June 11, 2015

Summer break is almost here for Cam's kids, and Miss E could use a break from milking goats as well. Cam also has a slight break to talk about, but it's all for a good cause. We could all use a break from the Precious Snowflakes but we seem to be inundated with them these days, like Professional Writer Lee Seigel who wrote proudly about defaulting on his student loans and going back on his word, all because he might have had to take a blue collar job otherwise. Not far from the 40 Acres lives an author who's written a book far better than anything that's come from Lee Seigel (at least in Cam's opinion), and he did it all while working those blue collar jobs Seigel disdained. Learn more about Christopher Fisher and "A History of Stone & Steel" on this week's 40 Acres & A Fool.