3 Podcasters Walk Into A Bar

3 Podcasters Walk into a Bar EP 29 - Energy Outlook: LNG Expansion, Geothermal Innovations, and Global Leadership
#LNGgrowth #IndonesiaEnergy #EnvironmentallyFriendlyCEOs #IndiaLNG #NuclearPowerPlans #BidenLeadership #OilAndGasElections #GeothermalEnergyLegislation #FutureEnergyProspects #PACOsOperating
Highlights of the Podcast
00:00 - Intro
01:54 - Talks about Forbes story,
Exxon Mobile sees LNG as a growth business into the future
04:28 - Talks about Indonesia just
signed a 20-year contract for LNG, total energy
06:30 - Talks about John Kerry
saying that we need more CEOs that are more basically environmentally friendly
10:13 - Something crazy about India
is just bumping up their LNG
12:15 - Talks about Robert Bryce
talking about how several other countries are getting ready to start at least
permitting to build some nuclear power plants.
17:10 - Talks about Chris Mathews
and the Hardball guy comparing him to FDR and Eisenhower on how he handled on
the world stage
19:01 - Talks about the Comparison
between Biden and FDR
20:26 - Talks about Oil and Gas and
22:54 - Talks about the New
legislation at the Texas state level about geothermal energy being a land
owner. Surface right?
24:18 - Talks about Geothermal
29:20 - What is coming around the
corner for PACO`s Operating?
31:00 - David was coming around the
corner on you man?
32:59 - Outro This segment
discusses various topics related to the energy sector, including the growth
potential of LNG, Indonesia's long-term contract for LNG, the importance of
environmentally friendly CEOs, India's increasing focus on LNG, plans for
nuclear power plants in multiple countries, the comparison of Joe Biden to FDR
and Eisenhower, the impact of oil and gas on elections, new legislation in
Texas regarding geothermal energy, and the future prospects of PACO's
Operating. Bullet points: Exxon Mobile sees LNG as a promising growth business
for the future. Indonesia signs a 20-year contract for LNG, highlighting the
country's energy plans. John Kerry emphasizes the need for environmentally
friendly CEOs in the industry. India's focus on LNG demonstrates a rising
demand for energy sources. Multiple countries are considering the construction
of nuclear power plants for future energy needs.
David Blackmon is a Forbes
author who writes Energy Absurdities of the Day. He has several active podcasts
with ….. His industry leadership is evident, but a dry, calm way of expressing
himself adds a different twist.
R.T. Trevino is the podcast host of The Crude
Truth filmed in Fort Worth Texas and runs an oil and gas E&P company. Pecos
Country Operating has been in business for ….years and has a constant
commitment to all of their stakeholders and is actively working in this oil and
gas market.
Stu Turley is the co-podcast host of the Energy News Beat Podcast.
While Stu is a legend in his own mind, he hosted over 500 episodes or
conferences. Theenergynewsbeat@substack.com