3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

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Bryne Chats about MMS Posters [S3E8]
May 9, 2018 S3E8 Bryne Chats about MMS Posters - Listener Challenge #40 – Help a Fellow Human For this week, help a friend, acquaintance, loved one or stranger. Examine others within a present moment reality and ask, “How can I help this person?
S3E7 Bryan Chats About MMS Posters
March 14, 2018 S3E7 Bryan Chats About MMS Posters Listener Challenge #39 – Room Optimization For this week, focus on a single room or area to optimize. Spend time each day to (1st) – Gather like items ~ …
Bryan Chats About MMS Posters [S3E7]
March 14, 2018 S3E7 Bryan Chats About MMS Posters - Listener Challenge #39 – Room Optimization For this week, focus on a single room or area to optimize. Spend time each day to (1st) - Gather like items ~ Group items into categories such as outdoor...
S3E6 How 3H2 Creates a Radio Show
February 27, 2018 S3E6 How 3H2 Creates a Radio Show Listener Challenge #38 – Record Personal Perspectives about life For this week, dedicate at least five minutes a day to record one’s own, unique, personal perspective about life. Explore topics &h
How 3H2 Creates a Radio Show [S3E6]
February 27, 2018 S3E6 How 3H2 Creates a Radio Show - Listener Challenge #38 – Record Personal Perspectives about life For this week, dedicate at least five minutes a day to record one’s own, unique, personal perspective about life.
S3E5 Unconscious Vs Subconscious
January 26, 2018 S3E5 Unconscious Vs Subconscious Listener Challenge #37 –Pink Zone Tangible Knowledge of Actions and Behavior For this week, focus on objective documentation of actions and behavior. To begin, select a desired calendar format, such as wa
Unconscious Vs Subconscious [S3E5]
January 26, 2018 S3E5 Unconscious Vs Subconscious - Listener Challenge #37 –Pink Zone Tangible Knowledge of Actions and Behavior For this week, focus on objective documentation of actions and behavior. To begin, select a desired calendar format,
S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap
December 20, 2017 S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap Listener Challenge #36 – Engage Fundamental Creativity For this week, engage fundamental creativity a little bit each day. There are many ways a person can be creative. Fundamental creativity involves
S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap
December 20, 2017 S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap - Listener Challenge #36 Engage Fundamental Creativity For this week, engage fundamental creativity a little bit each day. There are many ways a perso
S3E3 Going Back to Cali
November 26, 2017 S3E3 Going Back to Cali Listener Challenge #35 – Identify Needs of Others For this week, identify the needs of others. Offer conscious awareness towards basic needs of friends and family. Explore differences and similarities