3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

You, Me and a Speaker [S4E1]
December 28, 2018
S4E1 You, Me and a Speaker
Listener Challenge #44 – CS Awareness Towards Light
For this week, focus on light sources within the environment as it changes. Is the light natural, from the moon, sun or stars? Or is the light man-made from a streetlight, candle or screen? Offer extra attention towards why a particular light is seen. Question, “How does this light effect the environment,” as well as “Is this level of brightness appropriate for the situation?” Be a 3H2 Human and offer conscious awareness to sources of light today!
Thought Seed Game
*Rick and Morty, Close Rick-Counters of The Rick Kind*
Easy to learn, deck-building game provides Pink Zone fun with a partner.
Thought Seed Product
*Roomba – Automatic Household Vacuum*
Low profile, circular, self-managing vacuum cleaner improves efficiency
You, Me and a Speaker (Recorded 2018.12.02 in Roseville, CA with Bryne)
1. John List – Freakonomics Radio (ep353) 2018.10.10
*Uses “you,” then “I,” to refer to himself*
“You know what is the worst part about getting a bad trip? Is, I never received an apology.”
2. Ray Dalio – The James Altucher Show (ep290) 2017.12.12
*Uses “you,” then boldly corrects to “I.”*
“…and what you need changes, as you evolve and so you accumulate, I accumulated a lot of different principles for various phases in the business..”
3. Alan Alda – Star Talk Radio (S9E35) 2018.09.21
Uses “We,” profound explanation of Pink Zone*
“I don’t think we are really listening, unless we are willing to be changed by the other person.”
Visit http://3h2humans.orgfor more perspectives about Conscious Communication / Send questions and comments to Lynnardo at info@3h2humans.org.
Mustacio, Bryne and Lynnardo, wish Health, Happiness and a Humble Perspective to all creatures on Earth and Beyond.
today = A thriving community tomorrow…Enjoy!