3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

10L Chopra Center Event Recap [S3E9]
June 4, 2018
S3E9 10L Chopra Center Event Recap
Listener Challenge #41 – Daily Homeostasis
For this week, focus on daily homeostasis. Each morning, spend time to walk around the home and offer present moment awareness towards object placement. Return items to where they belong as well as donate unused items and throwaway garbage. Take care of the little things which tend to build up over time. Purchase items which bring ease and peace of mind to the home. When the house reaches homeostasis, a surprise guest is easier to prepare for. Be a 3H2 Human and optimize the home environment today!
Thought Seed - Mentor
Judith Orloff, “The Empath’s Survival Guide.” (2017)
Fantastic insights into empath definition. Pink Zone interviews remain within present moment. Mindful of non-local energy transfer, feeling and sensing.
Thought Seed – Business
The Chopra Center – Carlsbad CA.
Conscious business which offers retreats, body balancing and a variety of wellness services.
10L Chopra Center Women’s Retreat Event Recap (2018.06.01)
Chopra Center Women’s Retreat 2018
Omni La Costa Resort and Spa
Mind-Body Medical Group with Dr. Sheila Patel
Pranic Healing / Odyssey Enlivening with Devika Kishore
Kundalini Yoga with Libby Carstensen
Meditation with Megan Monahan
Knesko Radiance Facial with Christine
Resistance and Magnetism with Louise Laffey
Live Music with Justin Frose
Importance of Daily Well-Being Practices (Chart Card)
Announcements: Welcome new listeners! Visit 3h2humans.org to read more about 3H2 Humans and Conscious Communication / Check out S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap to hear an opposite perspective of a continuum with regard retreat population / Send an email to info@3h2humans.org if interested in a free set of Mystery Mind Seed Posters. We will hard mail a free set of MMS Posters to several listeners! Simply request a set. / Check out Solitaire Vows on YouTube to witness Lynnardo’s video debut. It’s a quick 3 minute video about a poem which was channeled /Gratitude for those who support the show. Enjoy!