3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

Bryan Chats About MMS Posters [S3E7]
March 14, 2018
S3E7 Bryan Chats About MMS Posters
Listener Challenge #39 – Room Optimization
For this week, focus on a single room or area to optimize. Spend time each day to (1st) - Gather like items ~ Group items into categories such as outdoor, closet and stay in room. If handy, use bins to separate categories. Next, (2nd) Sort the categories ~ Into three sections: garbage, keep and donate. Be proactive and have boxes, garbage bags and other tools to promote success. Then, (3rd) – Optimize placement ~ Create an optimized place for each item based on current use. Place frequently used items at arm level and low priority items up high. Be a 3H2 Human and optimize a room today!
Thought Seed Business
Mimosa House – Roseville
Healthy vegan and vegetarian breakfasts with a dozen or so innovative mimosas
Thought Seed Artist
Fishball – “My Giant Nerd Boyfriend,” Comic strip
Uniquely gritty, relatable humor about relationships and everyday life
Bryan Opens a Mystery Mind Seed Poster Pack on Air (2018.02.24)
Graduation – “Identify the footprints of man.”
Aim High – “Discover The Army of Infinite Possibility.”
Sequence of Riddles – “Existence is a sequence of riddles, mounting in complexity after each is solved.”
3 Show Notes
1- Thoughts about a career change after years of stable employment
2 - Joy felt from watching kids learn and grow through positive example
3 - Friendship is amplified over time, through an exchange of Pink Zone moments
Announcements: Welcome new listeners! Visit 3h2humans.org to read more about 3H2 Humans / Check out S1E4 10L Questions, Comments and answers, to explore our first Q&A. / Want to play the Mystery Mind Seed Game and possibly record a show like Bryan did in S3E7? Send an email to info@3h2humans.org if in the CA Bay Area in March 2018. We will hard mail a free set of MMS Posters to several listeners! Simply request a set. / Gratitude for those who support the show. Enjoy!