3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

How 3H2 Creates a Radio Show [S3E6]
February 27, 2018
S3E6 How 3H2 Creates a Radio Show
Listener Challenge #38 – Record Personal Perspectives about life
For this week, dedicate at least five minutes a day to record one’s own, unique, personal perspective about life. Explore topics of passion paired with critical thought. Focus the mind towards questions as a means to better understand oneself. Ask, “How are concepts defined on a personal, rather than social level? This exercise creates a Pink Zone tangible object and increases introspective capabilities. Be a 3H2 Human and transform an idea into art!
Thought Seed Program
Adobe – Audition 2018
Easy to navigate intuitive program 3H2 uses to edit Radio Show content.
Thought Seed TV Show
Bobs Burgers - 2011
S6E8 Sexy Dance Healing, displays viewpoints of healing culture with humor
How The Sausage is made, 3H2 Humans Creates a Radio Show – (2018.02.06)
Tech stuff, programs and process
Know which character is played
Be flexible with format
Voice personal theories with logic
Apply critical thought to criticism
Follow morals before ethics
Practice conscious communication
Optimize recording area and mindset
Edit audio files and listen to final show
Record one year before publishing
Announcements: Welcome new listeners! Visit www.3h2humans.org for more info about today’s show / Check out S2E10 10L Unique Daily Habits and explore one’s own daily habits. Question, “What habits are healthy and contribute to a positive and productive week? / Coming Soon! A show dedicated to questions, comments and answers. Send in a question or comment today! info@3h2humans.org /Gratitude for those who support the show / Enjoy!