3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

Unconscious Vs Subconscious [S3E5]
January 26, 2018
S3E5 Unconscious Vs Subconscious
Listener Challenge #37 –Pink Zone Tangible Knowledge of Actions and Behavior
For this week, focus on objective documentation of actions and behavior. To begin, select a desired calendar format, such as wall, electronic, or whiteboard. Document on the calendar notes or take pictures of events as they occur. This exercise is for past tense events which materialized, rather than speculative goals and appointments. Be mindful to document intake of basic needs and mind shifts when possible. What patterns are noticed? How does memory of actions compare to a Pink Zone Tangible measurement? Be a 3H2 Human and transform an assumption into a belief!
Thought Seed TV Show
Better Call Saul (2015) – AMC
Characters are fantastically composed as plot takes unexpectedly witty turns.
Thought Seed Business
Nugget Market – Roseville CA
Healthy vegetarian options, tapenade and a favorite local grocery store.
Unconscious Vs Subconscious (Recorded on 2014.11.11 in Spokane WA)
What is the energy field which connects all life forms?
Each person will convey a (slight) difference when defining a word
Three layers of consciousness (CS), SubCS, CS and UnivCS
Difficult to grasp concept of life beyond Earth
Earth as united ecosystem
Confident people defend their position with logic and critical thought
Benefits of accountability of actions on a calendar once complete
The mind and body desire a clean and comfortable home environment
A proactive approach increases production towards tomorrow’s tasks
Human memory is a strange creature
Announcements: Welcome new listeners! Visit 3h2humans.org for more info about 3H2 / Check out S2E5 10L Jargon and explore conscious communication through a 3H2 Perspective on 10 frequently used words / No social media at this time / PPW book update / Coming Soon! A show dedicated to questions, comments and answers. Send in a question or comment today! info@3h2humans.org / Gratitude for those who support the show / Enjoy!