3h2 HUMANS Radio Show

S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap
December 20, 2017
S3E4 Amit Goswami Event Recap
Listener Challenge #36 – Engage Fundamental Creativity
For this week, engage fundamental creativity a little bit each day. There are many ways a person can be creative. Fundamental creativity involves a free form approach to the creative process. Instead of following another person’s lead, alter the environment according to one’s own, unique perspective. Creation on this level can be complex to involve a new theory, or something simple like cleaning out the pantry or free hand drawing. Be a 3H2 Human and transform an idea into art!
Thought Seed Travel
California – Downtown Palo Alto
The DT area offers shops, culture and is walking distance to Stanford University
Thought Seed Movie
A Christmas Tree Miracle – 2013
This movie gives a peek into the power of synchronicities and potential of miracles
Mom and Lynnardo Discuss Amit Goswami’s Workshop 2017.12.16
- Positive vibes in DT Palo Alto are reminiscent of a Hallmark movie
- Amit has a great message for all ages
- Healthy mind, healthy body through personal growth
- 1st step is to believe change is possible
- What is non-local communication?
- Decorating can be a form of meditation
- Amit says, “Do, be, do, be, do,” to create balance
- Happiness chart from 0-6, with 6 to involve self-identity
Announcements: Welcome new listeners! Visit www.3h2humans.org for more info about 3H2 / Check out S1E1 10L Pish Posh Words and explore conscious communication through the first draft of our upcoming book / 3H2 Humans will be hiring for all positions in mid-January. Have a talent or skill? Want to be a hired contractor for the show? Email us and apply today! / We would like to catch up with friends from the past, present and future. Contact us today info@3h2humans.org / Gratitude for those who support the show / Enjoy!