3DPOD: Insight from 3D Printing Pros

3DPOD: Insight from 3D Printing Pros

3DPOD Episode 26: Decentralized Manufacturing Through 3D Printing

May 27, 2020

Distributed manufacturing is a real buzz word today. For a few years the word has been bandied about in all manner of ways in discussions about manufacturing. It has always seemed a bit abstract though a fun future idea that no one has taken very seriously. Every once in a while there would be a military initiative to manufacture in the battlefield or a green manufacturing idea to make things in an urban environment from waste materials. These trial balloons were just that, trial balloons. But now the recent global problems have lead to a reexamination of decentralized manufacturing. Resilient supply chains are now in vogue and a lot of companies are auditing their supply chains to find vulnerabilities. Could decentralized manufacturing actually work? And will 3D printing be the vehicle to make this happen? For what parts is decentralized manufacturing useful? Max and I discuss it in detail in this podcast. We hope that you enjoy it.

Previously we talked with Materialise CEO Fried Vancraen,  EOS CEO Marie Langer, 3D Printing COVID, Ty Pollak about Open Additive, the ethics of 3D printing & handheld scanning.

People we admire in 3D printing.

Greg Paulson joins us to talk about 3D printing trends.

Velo3D’s Zach Murphy talks about Velo’s technology and development.

We interview Formalloy’s Melanie Lang on directed energy deposition.

Greg Paulsen of Xometry talks to us about 3D printing applications and 3D printing at scale.

Here we discuss 3D Printing in space.

We interview pioneering designer Scott Summit as he crosses Amsterdam on a bicycle.

Janne is another pioneering designer in 3D Printing.

3D Printing in Medicine.

3D Printed Guns.

Interview with 3D Scanning pioneer Michael Raphael.

3D Printers in the classroom, panacea or not?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what is happening now?

We’re all going to live forever with bioprinting.

The first episode: Beyond PLA.
