Curry Coast Community Radio

The Insider Report: Upcoming Activities and Events for March 4 – 10 … and Beyond
This week on the Insider Report, Kat and Bruce give the scoop on what is going on in the area, including the Chetco Library event schedule, Four Shillings Short “A Celebration of Ireland” performing at Chetco Library, Nicholas Sparkman at Legends Arcade, Three Penny Theater performing the play Escape Room, Chetco Grange 2nd Saturday Sale, Winchuck Fire Department 2025 Chiefs Annual Chili Cookoff, Every Child Curry Explore Fostering, plus many local musical performances and a whole lot more! For the latest scoop, tune in to the show that keeps you in the know! For days and times, go to
Hosts: Bruce Ellis, Kat LIddell; Producer: Bruce Ellis
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End music is Also Sprach Zarathustra, composed by Richard Strauss, from Incomptech, produced by Free Music ©2015-2016, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.