Curry Coast Community Radio

Curry Coast Community Radio

Quality Living: Health is Wealth

July 22, 2024

“Health is Wealth”, How are you investing?

On Quality Living with Peaceful Support, Cara Marie Ringland, author of the book Awaken and Become A Tree of Life, Always Be Cleansing and practicing Iridologist, Traditional Naturopath, and Registered Thai Massage Instructor weighs in on wellness. Founder of Body Temple Health brings Iridology Eyenalysis to KCIW listeners.

Host: Amanda Whittemore; Producer: Amanda Whittemore

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual participants. Curry Coast Community Radio takes no position on issues discussed in this program. The information provided is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your personal physician or other qualified health care professional before changing your healthcare treatment, diet, or lifestyle.

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