3C Amplified

3C Amplified

Kimberly Kur and Elisa de la Vara with Arizona Community Foundation

January 09, 2020

The Arizona Community Foundation is Arizona’s largest statewide grantmaker and private provider of college scholarships. The foundation is comprised of thousands of funds created by generous Arizonans during their lifetimes and or through their estate plans. ACFTurqBlkmainrgb

Since its inception in 1978, ACF and its affiliates have invested over $783 million into the community.

Kimberly Kur is Senior Vice President, Planned Giving & Advancement for the Arizona Community Foundation. Kimberly leads the foundation’s statewide asset development activities, including ACF’s Center for Planned Giving. She is responsible for training and guiding ACF’s statewide teams in areas of planned giving, donor stewardship, prospect management and partnering with professional advisors.

Kimberly also works closely with existing and future donors, nonprofits and professional advisors to facilitate lifetime and planned charitable gifts.

Elisa de la Vara is Chief Community Officer for the Arizona Community Foundation. She oversees the Foundation’s engagements and relationships with Arizona’s diverse communities. She is responsible for the grants management division, all major community initiatives including the Community Impact Loan Fund, affordable housing fund, immigration and border philanthropy, and Philanthropy for All initiatives.

Elisa is also responsible for ACF’s statewide Affiliate system, including regional staff members in Cochise, Flagstaff, Sedona, Yavapai County and Yuma.

Follow ACF on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

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3C Amplified puts the spotlight on change makers in our communities. Listen in as we share how businesses, nonprofits and community minded individuals are connecting, creating and collaborating to amplify their impact and create positive change in the world.

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About The Host Jacqueline Destremps

HostJacquelineDestrempsHeadShotJacqueline Destremps is a creative marketing strategist and founded Another Hand Advantage, LLC in 2014 to help community minded small business owners and nonprofit professionals move forward more confidently with their marketing strategy.  After graduating from Arizona State University with a degree in Psychology, she has spent her professional career working in both the nonprofit and for-profit sector.

She now enjoys being self-employed and the flexibility it provides to allow more time to volunteer, serve on nonprofit boards, choose pro-bono projects, run 100+ Women Who Care Valley of the Sun (which she co-founded in 2014) and travel the world.  Jacqueline believes in creating connections between businesses and nonprofits in the community to stimulate growth and collaboration.

Follow AHA on Instagram and Facebook.

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