Super Simple Security Principles

Super Simple Security Principles

Latest Episodes

44. Listener Question: The Promise of Passkeys
December 20, 2024

What are passkeys?How are they different from passwords?Why are passwords so flawed?What are 3 big problems with passwords?Could passkeys be the solution we've been waiting for to make the internet safer?links:Learn more about passkeysJoin us

43. Private Person to Person Payments
December 13, 2024

What is Makanis favorite way to send money to friends and family, and why?Which disturbing Venmo privacy setting has been causing problems for years?What major PayPal policy change is coming next summer?links:Get Weekly 1-Minute Security TipsZe

42. Website and Email Filtering, Part 3: Email Friends
December 06, 2024

How do an estimated 91% of cyberattacks start?What critical feature is email missing that every modern messaging app has?How can we use an allowlist and a blocklist together?What experiment does Makani want your help with?links:Adding a Friend Sy

41. Website and Email Filtering, Part 2: Harmful Website Blocking for Everyone
November 29, 2024

What free tool can help you block harmful websites on any device without slowing it down?Wait, free? What's the catch?What bonus protection does the WARP service provide?What does it mean to rip pages out of your internet phonebook?links:https:/

40. Website and Email Filtering, Part 1
November 22, 2024

What is an allowlist?What is a blocklist?How can they keep me safe?

39. The Hidden Danger of Cookie Banners
November 15, 2024

How is a cookie banner like a road sign?What does it mean to "read the signs"?How can you use cookie banners to build good security habits?

SE2 - Announcing the Bulletproof Dojo
November 08, 2024

Why is the IHP Academy getting rebranded?What does it mean to become bulletproof?What are the 4 areas you need to protect?What are 5 categories of threats?What is the one key strategy to staying safe?Join us for free in the IHP Academy!https:

38. Do I really need to accept all these cookies?
November 01, 2024

What are cookies?Do I have to accept them?Do cookies ever go away after I accept them?Unless it is actually physical cookies I can eat, I really dont want them so what do I do to avoid them?links:Privacy BadgerBrave BrowseruBlock OriginEpisod

37. Phishing Protection: Be Specifically Suspicious
October 25, 2024

How does typing in your password make you vulnerable to phishing?When do you authenticate someone in the physical world?What question should you be asking yourself more often?

36. Backblaze: Simple Whole Computer Backups
October 18, 2024

What is Backblaze?How long has Makani been using Backblaze?What feature is Backblaze missing?What is software opportunity cost?Get BackblazeJoin us for free in the IHP Academy!