Nick Tann's Fresh Music Fix

Nick Tann's Fresh Music Fix

Nerv, Lyra, Olivia Rafferty, This Is War!

February 23, 2025




I’m back with number 5 and this time with my good friend Chris

Kicking off with Sacramento’s favourite Nerv – LOST! a great rock rock anthem and what their blurb says “Nerv stands out for their unique blend of genres, combining elements of punk, alternative rock, and electronic music to create a sound that’s both energetic and introspective. Their lyrics often explore themes of mental health and personal struggle, resonating deeply with listeners. Additionally, the band’s dynamic live performances and strong sense of community make their connection with fans truly special” which is probably why their American tour daiary is so vast. You can check out their FaceBook page

Next up comes the brilliant Lyra and her outstanding new single Time. As well as the brilliant vocals the breaks feature one of the best synth solos you will hear this year. She is smart enough to have a website that has plenty of pics and videos that you should certainly check out.

Olivia Rafferty beguiled us with the beautiful Juan de Fuca, A stunning vocal delivery from one of the brightest stars in Scotlands singer songwriters tradition. “The album Typical Forever has been backed by the Geologist’s Association in the UK and was also funded in part by a successful Kickstarter campaign in early 2024. It filters human emotions and experiences through the lens of geology, and features topics such as volcanoes, fossils, ice age floods and sedimentary rock. It comes out in March 2025″ Another of this week’s artists that has an amazing website. She has allsorts going on including pictures and videos. Check it out here at

Rocking in at number four this episode is This Is War! and  Lucifer’s Party which frontman Paul Carden explains as “Heaven and Hell have flipped. Rich people starting wars that poor people fight. It’s about the death of democracy and I think it’s quite catchy. It’s about today. I mean we live in a world where Trump is president not once but twice…. Take me now!…And all I can do is write a little song.” It’s a cracking song with some very interesting production tricks. A Liverpool band that has a touch of Gerry Marsden in the delivery. I can’t find any external links to the band so I can’t share what they are up to.


What a great episode and great to have Chris on board. 
