Light the Way with Laura Kusto

#14 - Gemini First Quarter into Virgo Full Moon Eclipse - The Moon's messages for March 7-14, 2025
The Moon's messages for this week.
1. On Friday the 7th we go into the weekend in the energy of the Gemini First Quarter - a time to commit and SHOW the Moon what you want by taking action. You'll receive aid from the Sun and Mars in making this happen.
2. Then we move into the Virgo Full Moon Eclipse energy - we start to feeling it by Wednesday the 12th and it's fully active at 6:55am MST on Friday, March 14th.
3. At the end I also share a personal story progression of what is occurring for me at this Full Moon and walk you through the dates leading up to this Full Moon and the things that have occurred on those Moon Phases. It's a story that is unfolding and brings Moon Chat to life!