Light the Way with Laura Kusto

#13 - Pisces New Moon & How to use the Moon's Energy February 21-28, 2025
The Moon's messages for this week.
1. Get dreamy! We have a Pisces New Moon the 27th and we're still in its energy on the 28th. Get your ego out of the way and dream big.
2. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! March 1-3 is the ideal time to put pen to paper and write down your intentions as the Moon begins to wax and become visible. Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter and the Sun are dancing in the sky and you can use their energies to help.
3. SHOW ME WHAT YOU WANT! March 4-7 we're in the energy of the Gemini First Quarter. Mercury has moved into Aries and is working with Pluto helping you look at what is below the surface. And the Sun makes THE BEST aspect to Mars to help you commit on this First Quarter.