Light the Way with Laura Kusto

Light the Way with Laura Kusto

#8 - How to use the Aquarius New Moon & the week of January 26-February 1, 2025

January 24, 2025

3 Steps to working with the January 29, 2025 New Moon in Aquarius

1. Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does AQUARIUS represent for you?

If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

2. Take the area of life being activated and look at a couple dates…

- May 1, 2024 - the last time there was a last quarter in AQUARIUS. Look and see - did you take action on anything around that date towards ending anything? Especially in the area of life being activated?

- The 2nd date - JULY 29, 2026 - the Full Moon this is seeding… and this is for planning major events. Depending on the area of life being activated for you, maybe there is something major you are working on - if it’s partnerships that could be getting married some day. If it’s family - maybe having a baby or adopting. A career - a big promotion or looking for a major new opportunity. 3rd house of communication - writing a book? Big endeavors - big dreams! - that require a lot of time and planning - planning to have the event on or very near that full moon date and setting your intention by specifying that date are extremely powerful!

3 - Set your intentions. Here’s what I like to do:

Set aside time on the new moon - or the day prior or after - to get quiet and really allow yourself to dream. Moving our bodies can really help with this - going for a walk, do some yoga. Or even free-form journaling just getting your thoughts out of your head.

Then as the moon begins to wax - as it starts to get bigger JAN 31-/FEB 1- right when you can start to see a sliver of it - put pen to paper -it’s important to write it down physically - not type - so you engage you subconscious mind. The subconscious - or unconscious- mind controls 95% of the brain’s activity and we want as much of ourselves on board with our intentions as possible!