Light the Way with Laura Kusto

Light the Way with Laura Kusto

#7 - How to use the Scorpio Last Quarter & Astrology for the week of January 19-25, 2025

January 16, 2025

The Moon phase for this week happens on January 21, 2025 and it's a Last Quarter in Scorpio at 2°03' happening at 1:31 pm Mountain Standard Time

3 Steps to working with the Scorpio Last Quarter

STEP 1 - Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does Scorpio represent for you?

If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

Next - STEP 2 - Get your Bearings!

Take the area of life being activated and look at these THREE dates that represent the phases leading up to this point and how you’ve worked with the energy - consciously or unconsciously from the moment of setting intentions, to helping them along to the culmination of what happened until now….

The First Date - New Moon on OCTOBER 25, 2022 - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these things

The 2nd date - the First Quarter on JULY 25, 2023 - you can look in the same places but now it’s what action did you take? We’re looking for commitments here. Not just conversations but deposits paid, tickets booked. That sort of thing.

Last Date - The Full Moon on APRIL 23, 2024 - - what truth came to light? Was there a culmination or grand finale of sorts that strings all these dates together? Or just in general… when you’re just getting started it can be hard to notice. So go easy on yourself and just look at this full Moon date back on APRIL 23 of this year.

Step 3 - make some decisions and take some action. When working with the Moon phases, the analogy of working with a garden is very helpful. And all four of these dates (the 3 I just mentioned and the 4th one being this Last Quarter Moon) create what is called a Moon Family. It’s a full cycle from the point of planting the seed by setting your intentions, to harvesting and clearing the garden here at this last quarter. So when you look at this area of life, what do you want harvest - to keep safe and perhaps replant on the next New Moon in Scorpio? And what do you want to get rid of? What needs to end and be removed from your life so you have ample space for those seeds to grow? When we create blank space we make space for the new to come in!

Energies around this LAST QUARTER Moon

- The Sun has entered Aquarius and it’s conjunct Pluto, which means Pluto is making a square to the Moon

- So DIG DEEP - you're going to feel tension, it’s calling you to look at what you can’t see, what is in the shadows, what aren’t you noticing. What are you avoiding? THAT IS YOUR RELEASE POINT. There you will find your answers for what needs releasing.

- This Last Quarter is a great day to contemplate your life and how you are showing up.

- Am I owning my part? Did I own my part?

- Is there something I have been avoiding? Or “we” avoided here?

- Perhaps it’s time to look at that - even if it’s only for the sake of knowing it’s not dragging me down and holding me back

- Jan 23rd - is the perfect day to take your action - get to that in a minute!


Jan 19 -

Mercury sextile Saturn at 12:37am

Mercury sextile Venus at 9:31am

Sun enters Aquarius at 1pm

- Aquarius is an air sign - and it’s the most sophisticated and evolved of the air signs. It’s concerned with humanity and within you it represents your individual relationship to humanity.

- Symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer - the water representing what nourishes all of humanity and being a steward for that knowledge - respecting the facts and truth, creating space at the table for creativity, integration of its opposite sign - Leo - and the self / sovereignty - and bringing it all together for the benefit of humanity.

- It’s all-encompassing / multi-faceted - it’s nuanced. Using the left and right brain - the head and the heart. Being truly human, our natural state - connected to oneself and the divine and quite honestly - distilling that down to common sense. Oh - this is what is right. This is what is good. This is what is true and what will honor all involved.

Jan 21 - Sun conjunct Pluto at 5:28am - THIS IS THAT LAST QUARTER

- On that last quarter - do that evaluation, ask yourself those questions

Moon Chat members get a list of all these great questions to ask on Last Quarters

Jan 23 - Mars sextile Uranus at 8:07am

Mercury opposed Mars at 1:48pm

Mercury trine Uranus at 3:07pm

- We have Mars, Uranus and Mercury doing a dance this day… if you wanted to pick a day to take some unexpected action…..

- It starts with Mars - our action-taking/assertiveness having an opportunity to do something unexpected or unconventional - it’s an opportunity though. It doesn’t just happen, but it’s a growth opportunity. Will you take it?

- Later in the day Mercury opposes Mars, pointing to some sort of debate around action that was taken and the motives behind it. What did you do? Why did you do that? Seriously? That doesn’t make any sense. Yes -it was unconventional.

- The day ends with Mercury making a trine to Uranus - which is essentially the energy of something unexpectedly coming to light that makes sense of the unconventional action you took

- So I would say - if you have been looking at doing something a little unexpected and you’ve done some analysis on it… the opportunity will present itself to take the action on the 23rd

- Be patient with others - they will need to catch up. And they might confront you and get a little upset!

- But they will come around.

Jan 25 - Venus trine Mars at 4:53 pm