Light the Way with Laura Kusto

Light the Way with Laura Kusto

#6 - How to use the Cancer Full Moon & Astrology for January 12-18, 2025

January 09, 2025

The Moon Phase this week happens on January 13, 2025 and is a Full Moon in Cancer at 23°59’. It's happening at 3:27pm Mountain Standard Time


STEP 1 - Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does CANCER represent for you?

If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

Next - STEP 2 - Get your Bearings!

Take the area of life being activated and look at these TWO dates that represent when seeds were last planted and nurtured in the CANCER area of life:

- The First Date - New Moon on JULY 17, 2023 - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these things

- And the 2nd date - the First Quarter on APRIL 15, 2024 - you can look in the same places but now it’s what action did you take? We’re looking for commitments here. Not just conversations but deposits paid, tickets booked. That sort of thing.

Step 3 NOTICE!!! The Full Moon is all about noticing the truth. The Moon is as big as it gets - and it’s telling us - look, I’m shining as much light in this spot (which is CANCER) as I possibly can. See what we created? It might be something amazing and exactly what you’ve been aiming for… or it may fall a little - - or a LOT - short of that. Either way - take a deep breath and take it in. On the final moon phase of this CANCER cycle - the Last Quarter - we will reconcile all of this truth and move forward.


- Conjunct Mars - Means this Full Moon is a bit “extra” - - Full Moons are already a time where emotions run high and things come to a culmination naturally with the push/pull of the opposition between Sun and Moon. But Mars is here too, and it’s retrograde so more powerful than normal. So extra intensity, extra emotion, perhaps some aggression and impulsive behavior

- There are a few other aspects that are quite lovely

- On 12th, Mars makes a harmonious trine to Neptune at 2:15 PM - this is effortless harmonious collaboration of these two energies. This points to your creativity, spirituality and dreaminess being activated. If you find things coming to you - grab your journal and write them down.

- On the 13th at 1:13am MT, the Sun comes into trine with Uranus - this is harmonious, effortless collaboration of the Sun - which represents the self and Uranus - the unexpected, flashes of inspirational ideas - usually laced with freedom and non-conventional thinking

- The two of these - action oriented Mars trining dreamy Neptune and unexpected/unconventional Uranus trining our sense of self, tells me that when we overlay this with the Full Moon energy, which is about bringing truth to light for all to see, we could have some interesting things coming to light. In the collective we could see revelations, big announcements, unexpected surprises and unexpected actions. Within ourselves we could have big breakthroughs - , unexpected and/or creative solutions presenting themselves. It will be interesting!


14 - Venus square Jupiter at 12:47pm

- I see this square playing out as opening your mind and creating opportunities for things you love and pleasure if you use it positively.

- However, the tension angle could also manifest negatively if we’re not careful - Jupiter wants more, more more and Venus loves pleasure so this could give way to overindulge or doing something that you take pleasure in but regret later.

15 - Sun opposed Mars at 7:38pm

This is action-oriented energy. Wanting to get things done and get a head start on something or finish up something that’s been lingering in your world. It’s “You” and “self” focused so the 15/16th would be good days to tackle something that you just need to get done, or perhaps get started.

18 - Venus conjunct Saturn at 6:26pm

This is the merging of love and responsibility - it points to doing the responsible thing when it comes to those you love and care for. It would be a good day to do those things that you know are appreciated and valued by those you love - be it for a partner, a child or friend. Or your pets or even plants in your home. To nurture and take care of the responsibilities of those you love.

It’s also a great day for personal self care especially if it involves your health. A chiropractic adjustment, therapeutic massage or even just cooking a really great meal you know is very nutritious and perhaps making an extra batch that you can freeze for later - - that’s the responsibility aspect coming in!