Light the Way with Laura Kusto

Light the Way with Laura Kusto

#3 - How to work with the Libra Last Quarter Moon & Astrology for December 22-28, 2024

December 18, 2024

3 Steps to working with the Libra Last Quarter

1.Find where it's activating your chart - what house and area of life does Libra represent for you? If you're not sure, go to and pop in your information for a free trial of Moon Chat, which will tell you exactly where it's supporting YOU!

2.Get your Bearings - notice what happened on the dates in this Moon Family that lead us to this last quarter. And we ALL worked with this whether we are conscious of it or not!

  • New Moon on September 25, 2022 when intentions were set - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these things
  • The First Quarter on June 26, 2023 when your intentions were nurtured by action you took. You can look in the same places but now it’s what action did you take? We’re looking for commitments here. Not just conversations but deposits paid, tickets booked. That sort of thing.
  • The Full Moon on March 25, 2024 when the results of your efforts were revealed. What truth came to light? Was there a culmination or grand finale of sorts that strings all these dates together? Or - if you are short on time just look at this date alone in general. Especially when starting out and you don't have notes for the above 2 dates.

3.Take action and harvest this area of life! That's what the Last Quarters are all about. When you look at this area of life, what did you create that you want to harvest and grow again? Possibly in a new way based on lessons learned? And what do you want to get rid of? What needs to end and be removed from your life so you have ample space for those fresh seeds to grow?

This Last Quarter is being positively supported by Pluto - it will allow you to effortlessly look deep beneath the shadows into this area of life and clear out the deepest of clutter that has been holding you back!

Astrology for the Dec 22-28, 2024

  • Jupiter square Saturn makes its 2nd pass, calling on us to look at our relationships with structure and independence/growth. Both internally within ourselves and with others
  • Mercury makes its final opposition with Jupiter calling on us to evaluate how we prioritize and balance the facts of life with the meaning of life
  • Mercury makes its final square to Saturn which is actually supporting us to take responsibility and have conversations and take action towards to dissolving old structures that no longer serve our dreams - EXCELLENT for this Last Quarter taking action phase!
  • Venus squares Uranus bringing the urge to spice up what brings us pleasure and don't be surprised if something unexpected brings that to the table for you!