Synapse and Shadow: Where Magic Meets Science
0.5 | A Witch in the Laboratory
Join host Tegan Lleuad for the inaugural episode of Synapse & Shadows, where we explore the fascinating intersections between psychology, quantum physics, and witchcraft. This introduction sets the foundation for our journey into understanding how science and magic might be different languages describing the same reality.
Key Topics Discussed
- The convergence of scientific research and magical practice
- How quantum physics might explain magical phenomena
- The role of consciousness in both scientific and magical understanding
- Preview of upcoming episodes and topics
Concepts and Resources Discussed
Quantum Physics Concepts:
- Quantum Entanglement
- The Observer Effect
- Quantum Fields
Psychological Concepts:
- Jung’s Shadow Self
- Consciousness Studies
- Mind-Body Connection
Magical Concepts:
- Circle Casting
- “As Above, So Below” Principle
- Intentional Practice
Further Reading
- “Man and His Symbols” by Carl Jung A foundational text on the shadow self and unconscious mind
- “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra Exploring parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism
Special thanks to the intro narrator Thompson Broadbent!
Intro/Outro Music: Eye of the Storm by iKOLIKS
Album Cover Art by Irina Yeryomina