The Uncharted Veterinary Podcast

The Uncharted Veterinary Podcast

UVP 116: Dragging Our Feet To Hire New People

March 17, 2021

This week on the Uncharted Veterinary Podcast, Dr. Andy Roark and Practice Management Goddess Stephanie Goss go to the mailbag!

It's time to hire and we should be excited to add to our talented team. In all honesty, we are dragging our feet, our team culture seems strong until we bring in a new hire. The bulk of our team has been working together for 5 or more years. We have our hiccups as any team does, but feel that overall we have a good culture, lots of laughter, and comradery. We have discussed why we need to hire, but it feels as though the team is reluctant every time we do. When we do have a successful hire, they tend to be more introverted, the outspoken individuals seem to get less support from the team. Is it possible that the team feels challenged or maybe even insecure by confident new team members? We want to convey that adding new hires is a positive thing. How do we get everyone to want our new hires to succeed? How can we help the new hires feel less like outsiders?

Let’s get into this episode!


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Edited by: Dustin Bays
@Bays4Bays Twitter/Instagram