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Close Up Radio Spotlights Renowned Physicist Dr. Young Suh Kim
Beltsville, MD – Dr. Young Suh Kim was born in a farming-and-fishing village known as Sorae. While growing up during his early years, Dr. Kim endured the occupation of Imperialist Japan. By 1945, when Imperialist Japan was driven out of Korea, Sorae became under Soviet control in 1945. Ultimately, Dr. Kim and his family moved to Seoul in 1946. Dr. Kim spent his teenage years in Seoul and completed his high school education in 1954.
In September of 1954, Dr. Kim came to the United States to become a freshman at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, which is now Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While studying physics there, he heard about many famous people in the United States. He heard about Albert Einstein who lived in Princeton, New Jersey.
“I went to Princeton University in 1958 to pursue graduate work in physics, and to also meet Albert Einstein,” recalls Dr. Kim. “But I found out that he already died in 1955.” While there, Dr. Kim met a physicist named Eugene Paul Wigner, Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1963. Dr. Kim completed his PhD degree in three years in 1961 and remained there for one additional year as a post-doctoral fellow.
In 1962, Dr. Kim became a physics professor at the University of Maryland, a position which he held for decades.
After retiring from teaching duties in 2007, Dr. Kim became a Professor of Physics Emeritus at the University of Maryland. As a result, he has been focusing full-time on research and writing academic papers. Dr. Kim’s website contains a list of various papers and writings about his findings.
Despite his advanced age, he works hard to place his name on Albert Einstein’s genealogy of physics.
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