This Election

This Election

How Meditation and LovingKindness Can Bring Hope to Politics with Sharon Salzburg

September 19, 2024

Meditation is often thought of as a solitary activity and yet it can lay the foundation for hopeful political engagement. In this episode, world renowned meditation teacher Sharon Salzburg explains how mediation promotes agency, skillfullness, and a deeper understanding of the conditions that form the landscape of our political lives.

In this episode, Sharon and I discuss:

  • How meditation teaches us to return to our agency and start again when things feel helpless

  • How meditation can foster compassion and awareness of our interconnectedness

  • How meditation enables us to learn from strong emotions such as fear and anger without having them consume us

  • How intersectionality can enable us to see ourselves in one another

  • The importance of understanding underlying conditions as we seek to respond to the needs of the world

  • The importance of voting and also art as a form of social action

  • How equanimity can help us find balance between compassion and burnout so that we can sustain our engagement in the political sphere

  • How we can look at political action through the lens of intention and skillfulness

  • The Statue of Liberty as an ishta-devata

Spiritual Practices for this Election Season from Sharon:

See our page on Spiritual Practices for Political Engagement for offerings from all our guests.

Connect with Sharon on her website or through the socials @sharonsalzburg (Facebook, Instagram, X, Threads, Youtube, Medium, LinkedIn)

Connect with me at or on instagram @katie.m.cochran.

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