This Election

Politics and Trauma: Moving Beyond Reactivity with Staci Haines

The way we conduct politics threatens our safety, belonging, and dignity. In this episode, Staci Haines helps us understand these threats and our reactions to them. She provides a somatic framework for understanding how we can move beyond that reactivity toward a new type of engagement that is grounded in our values and aligned with what we hope for this world.
In this episode, Staci and I discuss:
- How our families, communities, and society influence the way we understand the rules of engagement for the political sphere
- What somatics is and how it provides a pathway for change and the individual and collective level
- Our inherent need for safety, dignity, and belonging and how politics threatens all three
- What fight, flight, freeze, appease, and dissociate look like in a political context
- How somatic awareness, releasing past trauma, and building new practices can move us beyond reactivity
- Why relieving tension is not the goal of healing or political engagement
- The inherent connection between individual and social healing
Spiritual Practices for this Election Season from Staci:
- Somatic Centering for Political Engagement (Video Practice)
- Politics and Trauma 2.0 Online Course
- Free SomaSJ Practice community
See our page on Spiritual Practices for Political Engagement for offerings from all our guests.
Connect with Staci on her website or through instagram @stacikhaines.
Connect with me at or on instagram @katie.m.cochran.
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