This Election

Politics and Emotional Safety: Consent, Boundaries and Small t Trauma with Marvie Corbett
Politics has taken an incredible toll on our emotional and mental health. In this conversation, Marvie Corbett explains that politics is inherently triggering because it engages our core beliefs, which is where our sense of safety is rooted.
In this episode, Marvie and I discuss:
- How politics related to our core beliefs, and in turn, our sense of safety
- What small t trauma is and how it shows up in the political realm
- What it looks like to grieve broken beliefs and create new ones that serve us
- How Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can help us understand where we and others are on a political issue so that we don’t talk past each other
- How understanding the difference between consent and boundaries can enable us to create safer political spaces for ourselves and others
Bring this wisdom with you as you engage:
- Marvie and I have developed a workbook to help you address past trauma and create emotional safety for yourself and others this election season. Sign up to receive your free copy today.
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Thank you so much for going on this journey with us.
Once you have confirmed your email, you should receive an email with a link to download the workbook. If you have not, please check your spam filter.
You can read an transcript here.
You can find Marvie at
How did this episode land for you? Leave a comment below, or if that feels to like too much given the difficulty of these topics, send me a private message. I’d love to hear from you.
All of our conversations are offered alongside a spiritual practice that can help you move through this election season in a more intentional, healthy way. Those practices, including a free 30 day subscription to The Class through the election, can be found at
If you found this conversation helpful and want to learn more:
- Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Apple Music.
- Subscribe to our email list. We share a newsletter that provides additional inspiration, practice tips, and resources to heal and ground you this election cycle.
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- Leave a comment below
- Follow me on Instagram @katie.m.cochran
- Email me at
The post Politics and Emotional Safety: Consent, Boundaries and Small t Trauma with Marvie Corbett appeared first on This Election.