How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

EP 23 A “Shero’s” Guide to Owning Resilience & Thriving Through Change w/Guest Suzanne Lesko
Meridith Alexander's HOW TO CHOOSE TO LIVE podcast -- EP 23 A “Shero’s” Guide to Owning Resilience & Thriving Through Change
Ever wished that you could meet a real live warrior princess? Well, today’s guest comes pretty close to making that happen!
Meet Suzanne Lesko — often referred to as Xena. Her vast years of experience in the military combined with decades of study in the arenas of personal growth and leadership have given her a unique perspective on resilience and thriving beyond change.
If you have ever wondered how to nurture a more confident, charismatic and resilient version of yourself, this is one episode that you won’t want to miss!
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OUR GUEST: Suzanne Lesko
Suzanne rose to the ranks of U.S. Navy Captain, with civilian advisory and leadership experience in corporate and federal sectors. She served as a Naval Aviator for 8+ years, and as Public Affairs Officer for 10+ years. She is now a sought after speaker, executive and advisor, engaging with audiences and happy clients.
She is a combat-tested leader forged in the heat of military action. I learnt to perform with grace and ease in complex, high-pressure environments.
As a former senior military leader she has seen it all, done it all, and lived to tell the tale. She has been shot at, captured and interrogated as a prisoner-of-war… and that was just military training! As a female combat aviator, she was an accidental trailblazer. She has flown counter-drug missions in Central and South America, and overland missions in other parts of the globe. She served in Iraq on the ground both in a military and civilian capacity. She led large-scale campaigns, missions, operations, and teams in challenging environments around the world.
She spent the last ten years of her Navy career working with combat leaders in U.S. Special Operations. She has advised leaders at the highest levels of governments and corporations to resolve some of the most challenging issues we face globally.
Find out more about Suzanne’s speaking at: or
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Meridith Alexander is a Breakthrough Performance coach who focuses on helping you and/or your team unleash your most EPIC You (Empowered, Purpose-driven, Innovative and Collaborative).
Meridith served as a member of the ’23/’24 Forbes Coaches Councils where her work and insights were featured in almost 50 solo and panel articles for Forbes.
A motivational speaker and FOUNDER OF THE EPIC YOU RE-EVOLUTION Movement, Meridith has been featured as one of Creative Click’s Top Women in Business (2019) and Influence Digest Media’s Top 15 Coaches in Tampa (2022). Meridith is known for her “ninja like” ability to train powerhouse professionals and entrepreneurs in the tools, techniques and strategies that allow them to obliterate the things that stand between them and their personal or professional success. Her mission is to empower and embolden extraordinary individuals to achieve things that previously might have felt impossible.
Her first book THE SKY IS THE LIMIT immediately became a hot new release on Amazon. Her second book 100 DAYS OF EPIC has become the “go to” manual for those who want to ignite change and reinvention quickly.
She has appeared in media around the world. And many swear that Legally Blonde (or one of the Marvel Superheroes) was modeled after Meridith. Whatever the truth is, those who know her would definitely tell you that EPIC is in her DNA.
Find out more about Meridith's speaking, executive coaching and people strategies training options here:
Want to explore working with Meridith yourself so that you can UNLEASH THE EPIC YOU -- personally and professionally?
Explore Meridith's coaching options here: .
Youtube: @UnleashTheEpicYou
Youtube Biz: @EpicLeaders.EpicTeams.Meridith
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100 Days of Epic Book link:
Music outro is Fearless by the EPIC Tiffany DeRossiers and used with her generous written permission. Meridith’s eyeglass leashes are available (yes!!) on her How to Choose to Live podcast store.