How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

Ep 16 How Do I Forgive When I Can't Stop Thinking About It -- Bonus Coaching Episode

November 07, 2024

How Do I Forgive When I Can't Stop Thinking About It? Often, this means that we beat ourselves up for things that we now believe we should have done differently. In some cases, it's forgiving someone else or something around us -- perhaps an experience or event -- that we have no control over. Whatever the case, as an optimal performance coach who consistently works with high achievers, a topic that I often hear is "forgiveness." Here's the thing... It’s not your “external technology” that will help you succeed and/or survive when the stress feels overwhelming. It’s not your new phone, your laptop, your iPad or even all of those cutting edge platforms. It’s not the AI. And it certainly isn’t the external technology that, when you do succeed, will help you love the life that you’ve created. Or that will help you in the dark corners of the night when you’re struggling through times of immense grief. It’s the grueling work that you are forced to do, often in your toughest moments. It’s the work of “getting your IT together”. IT meaning your Inner Technology. Yes, the make or break element is always your inner game. It is the one resource that cannot be delegated, automated or eliminated. Although, like your external technology, it can be vulnerable to viruses if not protected by a few deliberately installed firewalls. As the great gurus have often said, “your success is not as much about your resources as it is about your resourcefulness.” … And yet, these days, with so much information — some helpful, some “not so much” — it can be challenging to know where to start. It can be even harder to know how to answer the one question that I believe is at the foundation of it all: How to Choose to Live. As I reflect back on the many questions that swirled through my own head in the times when the biggest boulders seemed to be falling, they all seemed to point to answers that could only come from my own inner game. Will there be discomfort? Unfamiliarity? Fear? Sometimes the emotion that can only be called pain? Yes…. But with persistence, commitment and even just a wee bit of faith, there will eventually come signs of enduring hope, promise and joy. An “IT Reboot” is not for the faint of heart — and yet, Life often thrusts us into the role of the reluctant hero or Shero, making it impossible for us NOT to do the work. In those moments, in the midst of the tears, the terror and even the sense of betrayal, dare to keep going. I have found that EPIC (Empowerment, Purpose, Innovation and Collaboration) often arrives disguised as the impossible. And it’s only in the impossible that your I’m Possible can be understood. Join me today for a special bonus episode of the How to Choose to Live podcast where I actually share a bit of “side door coaching” with my EPIC CHICK @Sandra Nordstrom on the topic of HOW DO I FORGIVE? You'll hear ideas not only about how to forgive, but we'll also unveil a huge blindspot that most people have when it comes to forgiveness. If you keep bumping up against the desire (or need) to forgive, this special hands on coaching episode of the HOW TO CHOOSE TO LIVE podcast is a must listen! ABOUT MERIDITH ALEXANDER: Meridith is a former Forbes Coaches Council Member ('23/'24) Breakthrough Performance coach, motivational speaker and FOUNDER OF THE EPIC YOU RE-EVOLUTION Movement. As one of Creative Click’s Top Women in Business (2019), Chief Empowerment Officer for GRIT Mindset Academy and Influence Digest Media’s Top 15 Coaches in Tampa (2022), Meridith is known for her “ninja like” ability to train powerhouse professionals and entrepreneurs in the tools, techniques and strategies that allow them to obliterate the things that stand between them and their personal or professional success. Her mission is to empower and embolden extraordinary individuals to achieve things that previously might have felt impossible. She’s a best-selling author on Amazon. She has appeared in media around the world. And many swear that Legally Blonde was modeled after Meridith. Whatever the truth is, those who know her would definitely tell you that EPIC is in her DNA. Find out more about Meridith's speaking and people strategies training: Explore Meridith's UNLEASH THE EPIC YOU coaching here: . Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: @UnleashTheEpicYou Youtube Biz: @EpicLeaders.EpicTeams.Meridith Podcast Youtube Channel: MERIDITH'S BOOKS: SKY IS THE LIMIT BOOK LINK: 100 Days of Epic Book link: Music outro: Fearless by the EPIC Tiffany DeRossiers and used with her generous written permission. Meridith’s eyeglass leashes are available (yes!!) on her How to Choose to Live podcast store.