How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

Ep 14: Turning Instinct, Intuition and Intention Into Your Super Powers (I.E. Becoming Unstoppable) with Roben Graziadei

October 29, 2024

Episode 14: Turning Instinct, Intuition and Intention Into Your Super Powers (I.E. Becoming Unstoppable) with Roben Graziadei If we aspire to consistently show up as the best version of ourself, if we want to live a life that we can say that we truly love, how important is “learning to follow our intuition” in the mix? Especially when it comes to making important decisions in our careers and professions, isn’t relying on instinct dangerously close to the boundaries of the “woo woo” — and possibly even the irresponsible? In this week’s episode of the HOW TO CHOOSE TO LIVE podcast, Roben Graziadei and I, Meridith Alexander, challenge some of the myths about “realism” and what it means to make decisions responsibly. We explore some of the common misconceptions around building an optimal “inner game”. Roben shares her decades of experience in the field of leadership and why the most successful leaders swear by their ability to listen to their intuition. If you have been wondering how to feel unstoppable, how to step out into each day feeling fully alive, we’ll share why honing your intuition is a critical ingredient to all forms of success. And so much more! Love this episode? Be sure to share it with someone and then comment, like and subscribe! Come back every Tuesday for a new episode so that you can come even more alive and get out there and do something EPIC! (Empowered, Purpose-driven, Innovative and Collaborative) OUR GUEST: Roben Graziadei, MA is an accomplished Leadership and Development Keynote Speaker, Seminar Leader and Coach, Edutaining (educating and entertaining) 500k+ persons from the mailroom to the boardroom. Over her distinguished career, she has helped organizations increase sales up to 30% Quarter over Quarter and 270% Year over Year. As a Senior Consultant, Principle, and Sales Executive for FranklinCovey, Tom Peters and Kaplan Inc., Roben was consistently an award winning sales performer and consultant. She is the founder/President of Net Result$ and the author of "Instinctology", teaching humanity to trust their intuition in an AI world. Steve jobs believed in intuition for decision making in business. He said, " Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become". In a world where AI can't always be trusted, Roben has found that your intuition can always be trusted. YOU can lead an EPIC personal and business life, beyond what you ever thought possible simply by mastering your own intuitive intelligence. Connect with Roben about her executive coaching programs, keynote speaking or leadership trainings by visiting her website here: Order your copy of Roben's INSTINCTOLOGY book here: Connect with Roben on LinkedIn: ABOUT MERIDITH ALEXANDER: Meridith Alexander is a Forbes Coaches Council Breakthrough Performance coach, motivational speaker and FOUNDER OF THE EPIC YOU RE-EVOLUTION Movement. As one of Creative Click’s Top Women in Business (2019), Chief Empowerment Officer for GRIT Mindset Academy and Influence Digest Media’s Top 15 Coaches in Tampa (2022), Meridith is known for her “ninja like” ability to train powerhouse professionals and entrepreneurs in the tools, techniques and strategies that allow them to obliterate the things that stand between them and their personal or professional success. Her mission is to empower and embolden extraordinary individuals to achieve things that previously might have felt impossible. She’s a best-selling author on Amazon. She has appeared in media around the world. And many swear that Legally Blonde (or one of the Marvel Superheroes) was modeled after Meridith. Whatever the truth is, those who know her would definitely tell you that EPIC is in her DNA. Find out more about Meridith's speaking, executive coaching and people strategies training options here: Want to explore working with Meridith yourself so that you can UNLEASH THE EPIC YOU -- personally and professionally? Explore Meridith's coaching options here: . Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: @UnleashTheEpicYou Youtube Biz: @EpicLeaders.EpicTeams.Meridith Podcast Youtube Channel: SKY IS THE LIMIT BOOK LINK: 100 Days of Epic Book link: Music outro is Fearless by the EPIC Tiffany DeRossiers and used with her generous written permission. Meridith’s eyeglass leashes are available (yes!!) on her How to Choose to Live podcast store.