How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

EP 13-- What Successful People Understand About Grit (And Why You Need It) with Danielle Cobo

October 22, 2024

EP 13-- What Successful People Understand About Grit (And Why You Need It) with Danielle Cobo Success and happiness mean different things to different people. It can also mean different things in different times of your life. But let's face it: there are definitely times in our life when we don't feel successful and we don't feel happy. What then? How do we know how to choose to live so that we can start feeling truly alive and excited by the day ahead right here, right now? And what role (if any) does this quality called grit play in that process? Join me in this conversation with bestselling author and coach Danielle Cobo as we explore ways to recalibrate our joy and sense of achievement even when the boulders have been falling. Be sure to watch the entire episode so that you catch the bonus tip action step at the end! It’s a riveting conversation filled with solid gems that will help you feel unstoppable. We’re not just talking concepts. We’re sharing literal action steps that can turbo charge your game in those moments when you’re feeling a bit stuck. About Danielle: Danielle Cobo, former Fortune 500 Senior Sales Manager, is renowned for empowering individuals with the grit, resilience, and courage to thrive professionally and personally. With over 15 years of corporate experience, she knows how to build high-performing teams that increase sales, productivity, and employee retention. She propelled her team to the number one national ranking, even amid the upheaval of downsizing, restructuring, and acquisitions. Her commendable leadership earned her Region Manager of the Year. Her resiliency motivated her to earn four consecutive national Sales Excellence Awards. Danielle is the best-selling author of Unstoppable Grit and hosts the globally top-rated podcast, Unstoppable Grit Podcast with Danielle Cobo. Website: Connect with Danielle on Social Media here: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Unstoppable Grit YouTube: Unstoppable Grit Podcast with Danielle Cobo on Spotify: Unstoppable Grit Podcast with Danielle Cobo on Apple Podcast: GET YOUR COPY OF HER UNSTOPPABLE GRIT BOOK ON AMAZON here: A little bit about me: I’m Meridith Alexander, a 2023/2024 Forbes Coaches Council Breakthrough Performance coach, motivational speaker and FOUNDER OF THE EPIC YOU RE-EVOLUTION Movement. I train powerhouse professionals and entrepreneurs in the tools, techniques and inner game strategies that allow them to obliterate the things that stand between them and their personal/professional success so that they are now empowered (and emboldened) to achieve things that previously might have felt impossible. I have worked with thousands of heart driven professionals and teams both live and one to one via Zoom. My signature program appeals to those who refuse to settle, who insist on looking back on their life feeling that they have made a positive impact. The EPIC WORK LIFE MAKEOVER program spans 90 days and focuses on a holistic approach to success, tackling the elements of both the inner and outer game that are critical to transforming dreams into solid destiny. For more info on my coaching and how I can help you bust through those blind spots and come even more alive, visit For info on my keynotes or people strategies trainings, visit Social Media: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: @UnleashTheEpicYou Youtube Biz: @EpicLeaders.EpicTeams.Meridith TikTok 1: @meridithgrit SKY IS THE LIMIT BOOK LINK: 100 Days of Epic Book link: Be sure to SHARE, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so that you don’t miss any of our juicy episodes! And check back every Tuesday for our latest episode of the HOW TO CHOOSE TO LIVE podcast. MUSIC: Outro music is Fearless by Tiffany Desrossiers — used with artist permission (documentation available upon request). INTERESTED ON BEING A GUEST ON MY SHOW? Email us at . Now is our time, so here's to your EPIC Impact and Growth! Meridith Alexander