How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

How to Choose to Live with Host Meridith Alexander

Ep 11 The Myth of Resilience -- Are There Times When Being Resilient Still Leaves You Stuck -- More of Meridith and Schuy's Story

October 16, 2024

In this episode we explore: The Myth of Resilience -- Are There Times When Being Resilient Still Leaves You Stuck. I remember the moment in the weeks after the boulder struck my daughter when I was sitting in Jackson Memorial Hospital with my daughter fighting for her life in the ICU. It was an epiphany moment for me because I realized that all the resilience in the world would not be enough. There would be no returning to the sense of normal that I had known in the past. There would be no stepping forward into the future that we had envisioned just weeks before. This was one of those times that I believe that we all face when Life demands that we become the reluctant hero or Shero in our own story -- when we have to go deeper than mere coping skills and resilience. So what will it take to unleash (and sometimes even recognize) that EPIC version of ourselves that lives our life feeling empowered, purpose-driven, innovative and collaborative? Join me in another solo episode where I share the huge AHA that I felt when the circumstances forced me face to face with earlier moments in my life that had been traumatic. Do things really "happen for a reason"? Can there really be a reason when things go so dramatically far away from what we currently desire? Is there value here? Are there lessons to be learned? How do we take ownership of our own joy and destiny regardless of the circumstances? How much do we control? What can we influence? How can the darkest moments of our life become the rocket fuel that inspires us to uncover the biggest, boldest versions of ourselves! Have a listen and let me know your thoughts as you hear this. Remember to stay for the bonus action step at the end of episode! Subscribe, share and join us every week for a new episode! A little bit about me: I’m Meridith Alexander, a Forbes Coaches Council Breakthrough Performance coach, motivational speaker and FOUNDER OF THE EPIC YOU RE-EVOLUTION Movement. I train powerhouse professionals and entrepreneurs in the tools, techniques and inner game strategies that allow them to obliterate the things that stand between them and their personal/professional success so that they are now empowered (and emboldened) to achieve things that previously might have felt impossible. I have worked with thousands of heart driven professionals and teams both live and one to one via Zoom. My signature program appeals to those who refuse to settle, who insist on looking back on their life feeling that they have made a positive impact. The EPIC WORK LIFE MAKEOVER program spans 90 days and focuses on a holistic approach to success, tackling the elements of both the inner and outer game that are critical to transforming dreams into solid destiny. For more info on my coaching and how I can help you bust through those blind spots and come even more alive, visit For info on my keynotes or people strategies trainings, visit Social Media: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: @UnleashTheEpicYou Youtube Biz: @EpicLeaders.EpicTeams.Meridith TikTok 1: @meridithgrit SKY IS THE LIMIT BOOK LINK: 100 Days of Epic Book link: Be sure to SHARE, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so that you don’t miss any of our juicy episodes! And check back every Tuesday for our latest episode of the HOW TO CHOOSE TO LIVE podcast. MUSIC: Outro music is Fearless by Tiffany Desrossiers — used with artist permission (documentation available upon request). INTERESTED ON BEING A GUEST ON MY SHOW? Email us at . Now is our time, so here's to your EPIC Impact and Growth! Meridith Alexander