No Holmes Barred!
Episode 1: “The Resurrectionists”
An 18-year-old H.H. Holmes explains a harrowing incident to his landlady.
The World Fair’s planners are given an impossible task. A paperboy manager vies for more in life.
No Holmes Barred was written, directed, and produced by Daniel Ciarrocchi
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Evan Kornblum
Episode 1 of No Holmes Barred, The Resurrectionists, stars:
Daniel Ciarrocchi as H.H. Holmes, Dirtboy, and Root
Sam Sessa as Burnham
Dave Heilker as Olmsted
Willy Landon as Sullivan and Newsboy 3
Danielle Lohan as Mrs. Brew
Matt Gall as Prendergast
Steve Bortz as Hunt, Guard, and Newsboy 2
Robby Priego as Newsboy 1
Jenny Kessler as Adelaide Hollingsworth
and Thomas Colegrove is your Narrator
Additional credits: "Door, Front, Opening, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of ; "Asking Questions" by Rafael Krux