Middle Man

Latest Episodes
Therapy Should Not Be a Last Resort, with Bill Sullivan
When it comes to therapy, men are reluctant to seek help. Most will only turn to psychotherapy when they hit crisis point, and even many of those who do seek out help will only do so because theyve b
Loneliness is as Harmful as Smoking - David Robson on Social Connection
Loneliness among midlife men is at epidemic levels. One in five men report having no close friends, and loneliness is reported to be as bad for you as smoking or drinking excessively. Some argue that
We Are Catastrophising Sleep! - Stephanie Romiszewski on Sleep in Midlife
Sleep is something that its incredibly important we pay close attention to for our physical health and mental wellbeing. Or so we are led to believe by the media. But acclaimed sleep physiologist Ste
Add 10 Years to Your Life Just by Changing Your Diet! - Dr Federica Amati on Midlife Nutrition
There is an overwhelming amount of content out there about what we should eat and how we should eat it. A lot of it is confusing and contradictory, and most of us simply want down-to-earth, practical
The Brutal Truth About Alcohol and Psychological Dependence with William Porter
Many people have a complicated relationship with alcohol. They enjoy the perceived social benefits and the escapism it offers, but are also very aware that what theyre doing is little more than maski
You Don't Need to Exercise for Hours to Make a Big Difference - Sally Gunnell on Midlife Wellbeing
Wellbeing, both physical and mental, comes into sharp focus in midlife. We want to know more and we want do more. But the sheer volume and variety of advice out there can be overwhelming. - Sally Gunn
Reflection, Rest and Rediscovery
When Middle Man was conceived earlier this year it was with a hunch that if I felt the way I did in midlife, then other men must be feeling the same way. Little did I know that quite so many men were
Gender is Being Polarised and it's Dangerous! - Tom Stroud on Modern Masculinity
Shifting dynamics around masculinity have meant that it has come under fire in recent years, largely due to the unrepresentative viewpoints of an extremely vocal minority of outspoken public figures.
Self-Leadership: The Critical Voice in Your Head is Not Your Enemy!
Many men report feeling stuck in midlife. Trapped in their lives, no matter how successful they may be, with no idea how to change their circumstances and lead lives that are more rewarding and fu
The Impact of Shame in Midlife
Shame is an incredibly powerful and complex emotion that is often overlooked in the therapeutic environment. But particularly during midlife, unresolved shame could be one of the biggest emotional ins