Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Lightspeed Legendaries Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast Episode 20
There are so many exciting new cards in Jump to Lightspeed - not the least of which are the Legendaries, which have an increased pull rate alongside a few more of them in the set! We've been harsh on Set 3's legendaries (and we won't stop!), but how do we feel about the new crop of Ls in Set 4? Let's dive into them!
0:00 Intro
3:47 Lake Country, The 5th Rare Base
9:30 How to Support Maindeck
11:30 Devastator
17:15 Darth Vader
22:49 Radiant VII
29:20 The Starhawk
34:13 Hondo Ohnaka
41:04 Death Star Plans
47:03 Unity of Purpose
55:41 Outro
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