Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Shadows' Most Anticipated Cards Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast Episode 12
Dan and Jason take a look at the presale pricing for Shadows of the Galaxy on the eve of its prerelease - what cards are people willing to shell out for, and which are worth it? Let's dive into the whats and whys!
Comp Rules (new changes are in red):
0:00 Introduction
5:52 The New Comp Rules
16:48 How to Support Maindeck
18:13 The Most Anticipated Cards from Shadows of the Galaxy
20:33 Krayt Dragon
45:25 The Darksaber
55:30 Poe Dameron
1:03:56 The Mandalorian
1:06:33 Kylo's Tie Silencer
1:14:05 Rey, Kylo, & Snoke
1:18:23 Maul
1:22:43 Triple Dark Raid
1:26:07 Final Thoughts & Outro
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