Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Organizing Play Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast Episode 2
**Sorry about Jason's audio popping! It's being fixed for the next one!**
In our second episode of Galactic Ambition, Dan and Jason dive into what we know about Star Wars Unlimited's Organized Play, as well as what sort of hopes and expectations they have for what's yet to be revealed. With evenly balanced praise and constructive criticism, we hope this is an intriguing deep dive into the topic of what makes Organized Play work in a TCG!
We hope you enjoy!
0:00 Introduction and New Years Resolutions
5:54 The Direction of the Podcast
11:15 How to Support Maindeck
12:23 The Facts about SWU OP
19:16 Our Initial Thoughts on SWU OP
21:30 Alt Art Promos, Unique Effect Promos, and Promo Packs
39:48 Dan's Foils Take
44:30 Judge & TO Expectations and Support
55:56 Website & Software Expectations
1:04:08 Players' Relationship with TCGs & TCG Companies
1:08:38 Our Wishes and Final Thoughts
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