Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Stock & Sell Out Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast Episode 8

April 19, 2024

How do we navigate the Dark Waters of Spark of Rebellion's total sell out without getting dragged under by the Dianoga of prices?

Let's talk about the impact of this momentous event, and some best practices for how players can continue to engage with the game while product is so difficult to find!

0:00 Introduction
3:32 Aggression Han & Tournament Decks
16:30 How to Support Maindeck
18:58 Impact of Sell Out on Locals
23:56 LGSes, MSRP, and Market Price
33:09 Did Fantasy Flight Games Screw Up?
46:59 Tips for Navigating the Marketplace
1:10:59 Outro

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