Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

Marketing Maneuvers Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast Episode 1

December 22, 2023

Hello There! It's our very first episode of Galactic Ambition: A Star Wars Unlimited Podcast!

Dan and Jason take this episode to introduce themselves to a Star Wars oriented audience, and discuss a road less traveled among SWU podcasts so far - how has the Marketing been for the game, and maneuvers should FFG make on the hyperspace lane to launch?

We hope you enjoy!

0:00 Introduction
6:33 Who is Jason Toro?
9:40 Who is Dan Green?
15:37 How to Support Maindeck
17:45 Marketing So Far - The Con Circuit
30:10 Marketing So Far - Social Media
42:40 Marketing Next Steps - LGSes
54:00 Marketing Wish - Disney Plus
1:00:40 Wrap Up

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