The Human Side of Money

The Human Side of Money

127: Preparing Your Clients and Practice for Behavioral Finance 3.0 with Meir Statman

November 27, 2024

Meir Statman, a trailblazer in behavioral finance, says: “Financial well-being underlies life well-being.”

Advisors know their clients want to feel happy and fulfilled and make decisions aligned with their values. 

But weaving that into financial advice? That’s the challenge.

And, that’s the next frontier for behavioral finance.

Meir has witnessed every generation of behavioral finance up to this point.

And, in this episode, he shares how advisors can prepare their clients and their practice for the shift to Behavioral Finance 3.0.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why every client needs a diversified “life” portfolio
  • The 3 benefits people derive from spending money
  • Why your neighbor’s finances impact your own well-being
  • The journey from “standard” finance to Behavioral Finance 3.0
  • The #1 way to improve well-being (That has nothing to do with money)

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Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

Connect with Meir Statman: 

About Our Guest: 

Meir Statman is a leading behavioral finance authority and a finance professor at Santa Clara University. His groundbreaking research bridges traditional finance with psychology, offering insights into how emotions and biases impact financial decision-making. Meir’s work encourages advisors to focus on client well-being and life satisfaction, making him a pioneer in helping people use their finances to support meaningful and fulfilling lives. He’s also the author of A Wealth of Well-Being, where he explores the role of behavioral finance in guiding financial choices that promote happiness.

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