No Pricks Allowed
Latest Episodes
How Much Are You Paying? Ft. Mark Hansen (Ep. 16)
Ever wondered how much youre really paying for financial advice and whether its worth it? Dive into this episode as we discuss two key ways advisors get paid and how they shape your financial journe
Avoiding BS Financial Advice (Ep. 15)
Ever wonder if what you see on social media is all smoke and mirrors, especially when it comes to finance? In this episode, Aaron Buchner tackles the prevalent myths and BS that flood social media
The Story Behind Cactus and Prick Free Financial Advice with Karine Parthenais – Part 2 (Ep. 14)
How did Cactus and Prick Free come to life? In this episode, Aaron Buchner brings back Karine Parthenais from Mellow Brew Marketing for part 2 of their conversation about the creative journey behind
The Story Behind Cactus and Prick Free Financial Advice with Karine Parthenais – Part 1 (Ep. 13)
Ever wondered how a financial advisor can stand out in the crowded financial industry? What if the key to success is being a little more left field than expected? In this episode, Aaron Buchner wel
Don’t Plant Your Finances in Concrete (Ep. 12)
Ever wondered if your financial goals are stuck in a rut, like a cactus trying to grow through concrete? In this episode, Aaron Buchner dives into the art of prioritizing financial goals and why a sol
Removing Financial Thorns (Ep. 11)
Ever feel like youve got a pesky thorn in your side that keeps messing with your financial plans? Youre not alone, and today were digging deep into whats really bothering us when it comes to money
Tuition vs. Retirement – The Ultimate Financial Tug of War! (Ep. 10)
Are you torn between saving for your kids tuition and securing your retirement? It isnt an either-or scenario. Learn how to balance these priorities without sacrificing your financial peace of mind
Saving for Your Child’s Education Without Breaking the Bank: The RESP Explained (Ep. 9)
Are you dreading the looming costs of university for your kids? Saving for university doesnt have to be stressful or complicated lets talk about how RESPs can help secure your childs academic fut
Lifestyle Creep: How to Handle It Without Breaking the Bank (Ep. 8)
Lifestyle creep can sneak up on anyone, leading to financial stress despite increased income. How can you balance enjoying your earnings while securing your financial future? What are the key triggers
Your Cactus Doesn’t Know The Stove is Hot Without Touching It (Ep. 7)
There is a big difference between knowing something and experiencing something. You believe they can handle a riskier investment, yet your anxiety says otherwise. Your investment risk level is not a 6