Just Getting Better

Just Getting Better

Navigating Intersectionality: Insights on Inclusion and Advocacy with Dr. Akilah Cadet

July 07, 2024

In this powerful episode, Julia and Michelle sit down with Dr. Akilah Cadet, a renowned leader in organizational development and author of White Supremacy is All Around: Notes from a Black Disabled Woman in a White World. Dr. Cadet shares her insights on navigating life as a Black disabled woman, discussing topics such as the importance of calling people in instead of calling them out and the impact of white supremacy on everyday life.


  1. Active Allyship and Accomplice Roles

  2. Advocacy for Inclusivity and Representation

  3. Engaging in Difficult Conversations

Dr. Cadet is the Founder and CEO of Change Cadet, an organizational development consulting firm that offers services that support embedding belonging into overall company culture, identity and strategy.

Dismantling white supremacy through storytelling is at the core of her work as a leader, speaker, creative director, producer, writer, editor, co-owner of the Oakland Roots and Soul soccer teams, and author of White Supremacy is All Around: Notes From a Black Disabled Woman in a White World.

Dr. Cadet discussed her experiences with white supremacy, intersectionality, and the importance of calling people in rather than calling them out. She highlighted the challenges she faces due to her rare condition, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and the constant need to navigate various aspects of life as a disabled person.

The conversation also dabbles into the world of fashion as Dr. Cadet shares expertise in styling and fashion, revealing her passion for helping others express themselves through clothing. Throughout the episode, she emphasizes the importance of representation, self-expression, and the ongoing fight against systemic racism and ableism. The complexities of identity, privilege, and the need for allies and accomplices in dismantling oppressive systems are explored.

The episode concludes with a powerful message about the importance of self-expression, advocacy, and the ongoing journey towards a more inclusive and equitable society.


ALL THINGS DR. AKILAH CADETWebsite | Connect With Her On Social | Buy Her Book

READSClap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo| Black Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the United States  |G.I. Bill Did Not Benefit Black Veterans  | Books by Women of Color | 15 Major Benefits of Walking

WHAT WE’RE DRINKING THIS WEEK: Venturini Baldini Montelocco Lambrusco Rosso 

BETTER HACKS: Julia – How to turn “Do Not Disturb” on or off your phone | Michelle is just getting better by taking a mid-afternoon work pause to go for a 10-minute walk. 
