Deconstructed History

Deconstructed History

Latest Episodes

Perkin Warbeck: Pretender or Prince?
May 28, 2024

In this episode, we’re going to explore the man known to history as the pretender to the English throne, Perkin Warbeck. I’m covering the pieces of contemporary evidence which suggests that maybe we shouldn’t trust everything the Tudors tell us. At least,

Five Greek Constellations and their Myths
March 25, 2024

This episode aims to give you an overview of five Ancient Greek constellations seen in the night sky, and what story the Ancient Greeks themselves attributed to them.We’ve all heard of Greek myths, whether that’s the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, or Th

The Tragic Fate of George Boleyn
March 19, 2024

Today we’re diving into a topic I think the Tudors largely overshadow, vilify, or ignore in favour of certain other members of the family. And with the Boleyns, no-one really talks about George Boleyn.For the full show notes, head to http://deconstructe

A Brief Introduction to the Ancient Egyptian World
March 12, 2024

If you’ve heard of the Ancient Egyptians, it’s probably something about the gods, or the pyramids, or Cleopatra. But how often do we think about what it was like to live in the Ancient Egyptian world?The period we call Ancient Egypt lasted for five thou

What Even Is The Holy Grail?
March 04, 2024

In this episode, we’re looking at one of the most well-known motifs in Arthurian legends: the Holy Grail. I have a love-hate relationship with the Grail, mostly because of the emphasis placed on it when compared to other aspects of the legends. As a liter

Loki: Was He Really Evil After All?
February 27, 2024

This episode is about a god. But not just any god “Hijacked by Jesus” and forced into the role of villain. Oh no. This god starred as the villain and/or antihero in another god’s heroic quest to prove his worth. I am, of course, talking about Loki.For f

Orpheus: The Man Behind the Myth
February 27, 2024

In this episode, we’re looking at the legendary figure of Orpheus and what his myths can tell us about the world. The Ancient Greeks and Romans believed Orpheus was a real person. He had the ability to create music so beautiful it could make rocks cry. Th

Henry Tudor: The Legitimacy of His Claim to the Throne
February 26, 2024

In this episode, we’re looking at how legitimate the claim Henry Tudor made for the throne was, after he claimed the throne through conquest on 30th October 1485. Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep my irritation at him at bay long enough to get through his epi

The Difference Between Old and Middle English
February 26, 2024

There’s a common misconception out there about what Old English actually is. Whenever I ask someone what they think about Shakespeare (because I’m a nerd), they always go off on a rant about how Old English is totally incomprehensible and why couldn’t I h

The Mycenaeans: The Guys Who *Were* the Greek Myths
February 24, 2024

In the grand scheme of things, you probably haven’t heard of the Mycenaeans. That’s okay, we all get that Ancient Greek democracy and theatre overshadows everything and all.The Mycenaeans were the people who lived in mainland Greece between approximately