The Actionable Intel Podcast

The Actionable Intel Podcast

Episode 4 - Business Estate Planning with Special Guest Joe Popplewell

May 23, 2024

In this show, we team up with special guest attorney Joe Popplewell of Popplewell Law Firm. This is the second of a series of three shows with Joe. In this episode, we'll discuss an overview of the legal documents and processes a business owner should have to ensure they are protected from various scenarios.

Joe gives an overview of operating agreements, buy-sell agreements, and other documents a business owner should have to make sure their business continues with as few interruptions as possible when faced with The Five D's of running a business: Death, Divorce, Disability, Disagreements (with partners) and Disruption (of their industry).

The information in this show is specific to the state of Idaho where Joe is a licensed attorney and currently practices law. If the educational material presented in this episode leaves you wondering if your estate plan (or lack thereof) needs addressing, please seek a competent estate planning attorney in your area.

Joe and his team can be reached via Joe's office is located in Twin Falls, Idaho.