Mind With Muscle Podcast

Mind With Muscle Podcast

Latest Episodes

Frequent ejaculation effects on muscle gain. How to repair metabolism with reverse dieting?
February 12, 2022

In this week's episode of the #mindwithmusclepoidcast questions of the week are, Frequent ejaculation effects on muscle gain. How to improve pullups and bodyweight exercises? Modern hi-fi gym versus old school gym, which is better? How to repair metabolis

Truth about fat loss diets. How will you know that you have hit a plateau?
January 29, 2022

In this week's episode of the #mindwithmusclepoidcast questions of the week are, Truth about fat loss diets. What to do for muscle hardness? Importance of rest periods in between sets. How to combine strength training and running? How will you know that y

How frequently a beginner should change his workout? Why bodybuilders prefer rice over Roti?
January 22, 2022

In this week's episode of the #mindwithmusclepoidcast questions of the week are, How frequently a beginner should change his workout? Can you do loaded carries instead of deadlift? Why bodybuilders prefer rice over Roti? Why I chose Classic 350 and not co

Does more muscle equate to more strength? How to increase deep sleep time?
January 09, 2022

In this week's episode of the #mindwithmusclepoidcast questions of the week are, How to increase deep sleep time? Does more muscle equate to more strength? How to properly go to full failure in your workout? What is the solution for skinny fat? How often

Naturally how much muscle can you build in one year? How to grow rear delts?
January 01, 2022

In this week's episode of the #mindwithmusclepoidcast questions of the week are, Naturally how much muscle can you build in one year? How to get single digit body fat percentage without losing muscle mass ? How to get good pump in shoulders? How to grow r

May 01, 2021

Welcome everybody to MIND WITH MUSCLE Podcast. This is a quick introduction about the podcast. You'll get to know what kind of content you can expect from this podcast, what's the structure of the podcast and also how frequently new episodes are going to