

Latest Episodes

Row, row, row your very own Boat
August 19, 2023

When a Strom shows up, I rollover and float onto my back & in the water. Surrender to it..

Living in Water
August 19, 2023

Rolling Over onto your back & floating in the water means so much more than I ever IMAGINED Before.

Raccoon - Spirit Helper
October 06, 2022

Listen to Episode #15 and you will get to explore Raccoon the Spieit Helper who is most similar to Jumping Mouse.

October 06, 2022

Jumping MOUSE has meant characters..these are Spirit Helpers. When YOU decide to MOVE Forward, you Meet a Series of Helpers.

To LIVE near the OCEAN
September 29, 2022

Excerpt from Neville Goddards book 'IMAGINATION Creates REALITY..

Chapter #11 Eagle VISION Part II The Four KEYS to Eagle Vision
September 28, 2022

IMAGINING Life as an EAGLE.. the Four KEYS of EAGLE Vision..letting go, supported by the invisible, constant tiny adjustments, & return to Earth.

Chapter#10 - The Eagle's VISION, Part I - Insights
September 25, 2022

Mr. Twenty Twenty invites you in and plays with his INSIGHTS for Your Transformation.

A synopsis of The Adventures of Jumping Mouse BRIEFLY.
September 21, 2022

Explore Yourself and Jumping Mouse as we are BEING Transformed..

Chapter #9 Eagle VISION & The AWAKENING.
September 21, 2022

Jumping Mouse gave up his last eye and died, now Awakened..

An Eagle VIEW & an AWAKENING & a NEW Name.
September 21, 2022

A preview to Chapter #9 in The Adventure of Jumpung Mouse. You are EAGLE .