Turn Riding Fear Around

Episode 76: Letting Go of Perfection
Turn Fear Around Podcast: Episode 76: Letting Go of Perfection
In this episode, we leave perfection behind. We can find joy without striving for perfection if we look for it.
Join us for bite-sized, actionable episodes (usually 5-10 minutes) that offer simple tools and techniques to help you turn your fear around. Whether you're struggling with riding anxiety, dealing with a nervous horse, or just looking to regain your confidence, these episodes will leave you with something you can do right away. Plus, you can always re-listen when you need a refresher.
In This Episode, We’ll Discuss:
1. Perfection or Imperfection?
2. Your perfection is in you.
3. Other people's opinions….
Do you want to overcome anxiety the fast way or the slow way? Let’s explore breaking free from anxiety and stepping into calm. Book your free chat now and take the first step toward finding your calm. I have helped clients with both courage coaching and hypnotherapy to overcome their anxiety and enjoy life again. Schedule your free chat here: https://elisehittinger.com/page/hypnotherapy-page
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Courage Coaching Chat (https://elisehittinger.com/scheduler/courage-chat) – Let's see if a Courage Coaching is right for you.
- Book: Rise From Fear to Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DLVL27L) – My step-by-step process to regain your confidence in the saddle.
- Blog: How Does Perfectionism Affect Anxiety? (https://elisehittinger.com/blog/50285/how-does-perfectionism-affect-anxiety-)
- Fear to Courage Support Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE) – Join our supportive community of riders and horse lovers.
Stay Connected:
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for listening! Together, we can reset your anxiety, create calm, and bring joy back to your relationship with your horse.