The Path to State and Local Sovereignty

The Path to State and Local Sovereignty Episode 11: Cayenne Pepper, SecureVote.News, Mary Burkett Goulding Helping Nonprofits
Ranch life vignette: Cayenne pepper helps the body to stop bleeding. It is good for the circulatory system, for nose bleeds (drink a pinch mixed in a glass of water), and for ulcers. Enjoy a few sprinkles every day--on soups, salads, etc.
SecureVote.News: Voter ID initiative will be on November ballot in Nevada. Fulton County, Georgia, is going rogue with unapproved "monitors" to ensure the election is "accurate." True the Vote continues its efforts to clean voter rolls and ensure that voters are registered.
Guest: Mary Burkett Goulding of Nonprofit Law and Leadership and her husband, Mike, help nonprofit organizations avoid the three biggest causes of early failure: lack of sufficient funding, inexperienced leadership, and legal mistakes.