The Path to State and Local Sovereignty

The Path to State and Local Sovereignty Episode 9: Flaxseed Cleans Eyes, SecureVote.News, Dan Cummins on War Powers
Ranch life vignette: Put a flaxseed in your eye to cleanse it of dust. It is mucilaginous and will "mop up" the dust. A few minutes later, the flaxseed will be in the inner corner of your eye, and you can flick it out, leaving your eye free of dust.
SecureVote.News: Leah Anderson audited the 2020 election in the largest county in South Dakota, found numerous problems, exposed them, and is taking a lot of flak for her integrity. The Jenkins-Maloy (CD 2) race is very close, but the clerk in Washington County refuses to disclose to the Jenkins campaign the names of the 500+ uncured ballots. Some mail-in ballots went to Las Vegas which sat on them, and then postmarked them (late) to St. George (so they could not be counted). Cox supposedly gathered 28,006 signatures to get a spot on the Primary Election ballot (just 6 more than the required number). But the public is not allowed to verify the signatures. So Phil Lyman and other candidates filed a lawsuit for the right to view unredacted copies of the signatures gathered by the signature-gathering campaigns. And over a third of the names on Utah's voter rolls are not public!
Dan Cummings (constitutional scholar) joined us to discuss the war powers of Congress. He explained the Framers' feelings that the president NOT have authority to go to war, but that power resides with Congress. Also, Congress may NOT delegate their war-making authority to the president (as is done by the AUMFs). Congress is the branch of government that is closest to the people. The Defend the Guard Act would prohibit the deployment of the states' National Guard troops to active combat without a formal declaration of war by Congress.