The Path to State and Local Sovereignty

The Path to State and Local Sovereignty Episode 6: Milk Cows, GOP Nominees, Title IX Reg, Phil Lyman For Governor
Ranch life vignette: We had two milk cows, Gloria (a Guernsey) and Hornet (a Jersey), which we milked morning and night, day after day, year after year. They gave us sweet, rich milk, part of which we churned into butter nearly every day.
Constitution Corner: The new Title IX regulation promulgated by the Biden administration--which says any educational institution that accepts federal money must not discriminate based on sex, gender, or gender identity--is federal overreach. It would violate the rights and privacy of females with the introduction of males who "identify as" (pretend) to be females. But the states--which formed the general government--did not grant authority for education. This federal overreach should be ignored (thwarted) by the states.
Phil Lyman, the Republican Party's nominee for governor, was our guest for the latter half of the show. He got involved civically after reading a book entitled "Statehood" (explaining state sovereignty) and because 300 feds raided the homes of 26 of his fellow citizens in San Juan County. As a commissioner of the county, he led a peaceful protest against the federal takeover of land. He served in the state house, where he fought federal overreach and defended individual liberty. He explained his common-sense solutions to the problems of immigration, elections, and so forth. Please vote Phil Lyman for governor!